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Mehrdad Babazadeh

Other Research Activities

Book Published


      PhD Thesis Book

§   Plausibility check and Energy management in a semi autonomous wireless sensor network using a model based approach.      


      Translated for ZREC:

§   Maintenance handbook for a 230/63 kV Mobile Substation


Booklets provided for “Vestas” {Confidential (C), Public (P), Restricted(R)}:

1-      Implementation Description for Modeling Wind Power Plant Controller (PPC)– Version 3 , 4 (C)

2-      Active Power Controller design description – Version 0, 1(C)

3-      VESTAS Power Plant Performance Class II – Version 1 ,2(R)

4-      WPP Sales Document Class I– Version 0, 1 (P)

5-      Alarm & events in SCADA – Version 0(C)

6-      Reactive Power Controller design description– Version 0(C)

7-      Active Power Measurement Modeling. Contribution in some relevant Lab tests. (C)

8-      Guide for WPP Commissioning manual(R)

9-      WPP Commissioning checklist(R)

10-  PPC function and Grid Performance(R)

11-  Turbine Range Support Verification – Version 0

12-  Risk Assessment for WPP Commissioning checklist.xlsx(R)

13-  Risk Assessment for Commissioning Manual WPP.xlsx(R)

14-  DVPR_DVRE for PPC Requirements verified by Review(C)

15-  Test case for P-Dispatcher in DVPR (C)

16-  Control Architecture as well as other related diagrams. (C)


Patents, filed in Vestas Denmark:

§   Intelligent Dispatching Strategy 1

§   Intelligent Dispatching Strategy 2

§   Brocken Loop High Performance Active Power Controller for Wind Power Plants  


Performed Researches & implementations:

· Implementations:

o   Implementation and Programming of Wireless Sensor network (Imote2) with C# for Fault detection and diagnosis.

o   Implementation and Programming of Wireless Sensor network (Imote2) with C# for Floating Input Approach (FIA).

o   Design and implementation of one phase cyclo-converter

o   Design and implementation of a classic speed controller of 3-Phase AC motor by 12 pulse current source inverter (with classic controller).

o   Design and implementation of Fly back Switching Power Supply"

o   Design, implementation and maintenance of Automatic cassette tape loader

o   Contribution in design and implementation of high power chargers.

o   Design and implementation of Guard Systems".


· Designed Software packages:                   

o   Mechanization program for Distance relays by Visual basic- (18 types modeled)  and one can add recent types

o   Mechanization program for O/C and E/F relays by Visual basic- (about 40 types modeled) and one can add recent types

o   Mechanization program for adjusting all protection relays utilized in ZREC by Visual basic-  (about 100 relay types modeled) and one can add recent types

o   Short circuit software for large distribution networks by Qbasic

o   Designing an intelligent multi-Language learner program by Microsoft office Access.

o   Lots of small and medium sized programs by Qbasic, Visual basic, Excel and Matlab to study electrical engineering and research stuff.

         · Developed Models related to wind power Plant

o   Development of a discrete model for Wind Power Plant Controller (PPC) with some benefit units as follows:

§  Creating a brief configuration

§  Apply real world timing in the model.

§  LVRT (Low Voltage Ride Through) Implementation in PPC for Wind Power Plant.

§  Model: Frequency Controller Option I

§  Model: Frequency Controller Option II

§  Active Power Dispatcher

§  Reactive Power Dispatcher

§  Improved WTG model

§  Creating a general purpose library including whole wind power plant items.


§  Cap-Bank and MSC Controller

§  Communication delays, RoadRunner, PLC, etc.

o   Brocken loop strategy to improve Active Power Control quality and speed


           · Leading of M.Sc. projects in Germany:

o   Energy saving by using a floating input approach in a wireless sensor network. Ishwar Lal, University of Bremen, 2009.

o   Design and implementation of a two channels, N-step ahead predictor by using a microcontroller, Badre Fiani, Hochschule Bremen, 2009.


· Leading of B.Sc. projects in Iran:

o   Design and implementation of DC-motor speed estimator by a microcontroller "µ8751".

o   System estimator and PID controller design software by Matlab.

o   Design and implementation of digital DC motor speed controller with optic speed sensor (P.C based).

o   Design and implementation of off line U.P.S by a microcontroller "µ8751".







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