فارسی English Books Book title Kind of Publication Publisher Author/Authors Translator/Translators Publacation Date PDF FILE Fundamental of Biophysics: Biophysics of Proteins, Nucleic acids and Spectroscopy   Writing April 2023 دريافت:364 Biophysical Chemistry   Gathering and Writing Bijan Ranjbar- Khosrow Khalifeh- S. Akram Shirdel November 2023 دريافت:343 Advance spectroscopic methods to study biomolecular structure and dynamic)s [Abstract  ] Gathering and WritingElsevier *Akram Shirdel, Khosrow Khalifeh October 2023 Diagnosis and Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury [Abstract  ] WritingElsevier Akram Shirdel, Khosrow Khalifeh October 2022 Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry and Biophysics [Abstract   ] WritingTarbiat Modares University Bijan Ranjbar - Khosrow Khalifeh March 1400 دريافت:644